Dr. James Klein

Colorectal SurgeryMale54+ years of experience
Dr. James Klein is a colorectal surgeon in Tucson, Arizona. He graduated from University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine in 1968 and has been in practice for 54+ years.
LocationEducationRatingsAbout MeHospitalsConditions TreatedSpecialtySimilar


Dr. James Klein
1601 N Tucson Blvd
Suite 28
Tucson, Arizona 85716


Medical school

Dr. Klein attended University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine and graduated in 1968 (54 years ago). University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine is ranked #28 number in the "Best Medical Schools" by U.S. News.

About Me

Dr. Klein is a solo practitioner.

Primary specialty
Colorectal Surgery
Years of experience
54+ years

Hospital Affiliations

Dr. Klein is affiliated with the following hospitals.

Tucson Medical Center

Conditions Treated

As a colorectal surgery, Dr. Klein may see patients with the following conditions. Please check with Dr. Klein what conditions he treats. Dr. Klein may treat additional conditions not listed.

  • Pilonidal cyst
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Dr. Klein is a colorectal surgeon.

Colorectal Surgery

Colorectal surgery is a field in medicine dealing with disorders of the rectum, anus, and colon.