Jose Chavez

General PracticeMale55+ years of experience
Jose Chavez is a general practitioner in Columbia, South Carolina.
LocationEducationRatingsAbout MeHospitalsConditions TreatedSpecialtySimilar


Jose Chavez
17 Surrey Ct
Columbia, South Carolina 29212


Medical school

Jose Chavez attended medical school and graduated in 1967 (55 years ago).

About Me

Jose Chavez is a solo practitioner.

Primary specialty
General Practice
Years of experience
55+ years

Hospital Affiliations

Jose Chavez is affiliated with the following hospitals.

Lexington Medical Center

Conditions Treated

As a general practice, Jose Chavez may see patients with the following conditions. Please check with Jose Chavez what conditions he treats. Jose Chavez may treat additional conditions not listed.

  • Hot flashes
  • May-thurner syndrome
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Jose Chavez is a general practitioner.

General Practice

A general practitioner manages types of illness that present in an undifferentiated way at an early stage of development, which may require urgent intervention. The holistic approach of general practice aims to take into consideration the biological, psychological, and social factors relevant to the care of each patient's illness. Their duties are not confined to specific organs of the body, and they have particular skills in treating people with multiple health issues. A core element in general practice is continuity that bridges episodes of various illnesses. Greater continuity with a general practitioner has been shown to reduce the need for out-of-hours services and acute hospital admittance.