Dr. Melva Palacios

Family MedicineFemale20+ years of experience
Dr. Melva Palacios is a family doctor in Edinburg, Texas. She graduated from University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio in 2002 and has been in practice for 20+ years.
LocationEducationRatingsAbout MeHospitalsConditions TreatedSpecialtySimilar


Dr. Melva Palacios
2722 W Canton Road
Edinburg, Texas 78539


Medical school

Dr. Palacios attended University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio and graduated in 2002 (20 years ago). University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio is ranked #47 number in the "Best Medical Schools" by U.S. News.

About Me

Dr. Palacios works at Melva Palacios, MD Pa, which has 1 other health providers.

Primary specialty
Family Medicine
Years of experience
20+ years

Hospital Affiliations

Dr. Palacios is affiliated with the following hospitals.

Doctors Hospital at Renaissance
South Texas Health System
Rio Grande Regional Hospital

Conditions Treated

As a family medicine, Dr. Palacios may see patients with the following conditions. Please check with Dr. Palacios what conditions she treats. Dr. Palacios may treat additional conditions not listed.

  • Abdominal pain
  • Aging in place
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Autism
  • Birth control counseling
  • Breastfeeding and lactation
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Diabetes
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Dr. Palacios is a family doctor.

Family Medicine

Family medicine is a medical specialty within primary care that provides continuing and comprehensive health care for the individual and family across all ages, genders, diseases, and parts of the body. The specialist, who is usually a primary care physician, is named a family physician. It is often referred to as general practice and a practitioner as a general practitioner.