Umo Callins

Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition ProfessionalFemale14+ years of experience
Umo Callins is a dietitian in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
LocationEducationRatingsAbout MeConditions TreatedSpecialtySimilar


Umo Callins
3555 Nw 58Th St
Suite 910 W
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112


Medical school

Umo Callins attended medical school and graduated in 2008 (14 years ago).

About Me

Umo Callins is a solo practitioner.

Primary specialty
Registered Dietitian or Nutrition Professional
Years of experience
14+ years

Conditions Treated

As a registered dietitian or nutrition professional, Umo Callins may see patients with the following conditions. Please check with Umo Callins what conditions she treats. Umo Callins may treat additional conditions not listed.

  • Abdominal pain
  • Anemia
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Beriberi
  • Binge eating disorder
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Celiac disease
  • Childhood obesity
  • Constipation
  • Crohn's disease
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Umo Callins is a dietitian.

Registered Dietitian or Nutrition Professional

A dietitian, medical dietitian, or dietician is an expert in identifying and treating disease-related malnutrition and in conducting medical nutrition therapy, for example designing an enteral tube feeding regimen or mitigating the effects of cancer cachexia. Many dietitians work in hospitals and usually see specific patients where a nutritional assessment and intervention has been requested by a doctor or nurse, for example if a patient has lost their ability to swallow or requires artificial nutrition due to intestinal failure. Dietitians are regulated healthcare professionals licensed to assess, diagnose, and treat such problems.