Dr. Chang attended University of Alabama School of Medicine and graduated in 1988 (34 years ago). University of Alabama School of Medicine is ranked #32 number in the "Best Medical Schools" by U.S. News.
Dr. Chang is a solo practitioner.
Dr. Chang is affiliated with the following hospitals.
As an infectious disease and internal medicine, Dr. Chang may see patients with the following conditions. Please check with Dr. Chang what conditions she treats. Dr. Chang may treat additional conditions not listed.
Dr. Chang is an infectious disease and internal medicine. Her primary specialty is infectious disease.
Infectious diseases or ID, also known as infectiology, is a medical specialty dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of infections. An infectious diseases specialist's practice consists of managing nosocomial (healthcare-acquired) infections or community-acquired infections and is historically associated with hygiene, epidemiology, clinical microbiology, travel medicine and tropical medicine.
Infectious diseases specialists typically serve as consultants to other physicians in cases of complex infections, and often manage patients with HIV/AIDS and other forms of immunodeficiency. Although many common infections are treated by physicians without formal expertise in infectious diseases, specialists may be consulted for cases where an infection is difficult to diagnose or manage. They may also be asked to help determine the cause of a fever of unknown origin.
Specialists in infectious diseases can practice both in hospitals (inpatient) and clinics (outpatient). In hospitals, specialists in infectious diseases help ensure the timely diagnosis and treatment of acute infections by recommending the appropriate diagnostic tests to identify the source of the infection and by recommending appropriate management such as prescribing antibiotics to treat bacterial infections. For certain types of infections, involvement of specialists in infectious diseases may improve patient outcomes. In clinics, specialists in infectious diseases can provide long-term care to patients with chronic infections such as HIV/AIDS.
Providers chosen based on Dr. Chang's location and specialties.